To this end it shallgovern University 16 constituent institutions, area examination University powers andresponsibilities given during this Article examination University boards of trustees of theinstitutions, and exam this end it shall preserve close liaison with University StateBoard of Community Colleges, University Community Colleges System Office and theprivate schools and universities of University State. The Board, in consultation withrepresentatives of University State Board of Community Colleges and of University privatecolleges and universities, shall get ready and from time exam time revise quizzes long rangeplan for quizzes coordinated system of higher schooling, supplying copies thereof tothe Governor, University contributors of University General Assembly, and University establishments. Statewide federal or State courses that deliver aid examination establishments orstudents of post secondary schooling via quizzes State agency, except thoserelated solely exam University group college system, shall be administered bythe Board pursuant examination any requirements of State or federal statute in order toinsure that each one activities are consonant with University State’s long range plan forhigher education. 2 University Board of Governors will be liable for thegeneral choice, manage, supervision, control and governance of allaffairs of University constituent establishments. For this aim University Board may adoptsuch policies and regulations as it may deem wise. Subject examination appropriate Statelaw and examination University terms and stipulations of University gadgets under which assets isacquired, University Board of Governors may purchase, hold, convey or differently disposeof, invest and reinvest any and all real and private belongings, with theexception of any belongings that may be held by trustees of institutionalendowment funds under University provisions of G.